To: Taja

For a long time, there was a shadow of fear of motherhood in my mind. I unintentionally held the belief that a child would become a burden to me. At the same time, I remained an eternal child myself, devoid of inner freedom.

In 2019, my daughter Taja was born, coinciding with other revolutionary changes: moving to a new country and the global pandemic. Finding myself in social isolation, I lost a part of myself. I no longer had any life goals or subjects to photograph, except for my little Taja and the unconditional love for her.

Gradually, as my daughter grew up, I began to rediscover everything around me through a child’s eyes. Taja allowed me to slow down, gave me time to think about what I truly want. It’s like being born again: I’m a child again, immortal again, I’m learning to be myself.

Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk
Projects. Photographer and visual artist Irina Vovk